Principal Messsage

The real aim of the education is to prepare students for life and not for career as mistaken and misunderstood by most of us. And for this very purpose, teachers and the students have to play an equal and important role as teaching learning is a 3-dimensional process having 3 main vital components namely parents, teachers & the students. The role and contribution of any of these can neither be understated nor ignored. We at NETWORLD INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, make all possible kinds of efforts to involve all three to the fullest so as to ensure wholesome personality development of our students. Our endeavor is to make them ideal citizens and above all good human beings possessing all 21st century qualities so as to make them survive in today’s hostile and highly competitive world and at the same time inculcating Indian values in them. We also make it a point to make them well versed with our rich cultural heritage without ignoring the importance of technology in their lives so that can keep pace with the fast changing and fast moving society. Earlier it was believed that time is money and lot of emphasis was laid on time management in every walk of life. The same has been very silently replaced by knowledge and slowly & gradually our society has been transformed into a ’knowledge society’ where everything and everybody is driven and governed by knowledge. We do understand the significance of this change taking place in our society and are geared up for the same in letter and spirit and shall strive earnestly to make our students 21st century citizens befitting to survive in a fast changing and ever growing ’Knowledge Society’.